Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Twenty Weeks and Countdown to the Ultrasound

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Well, twenty weeks is here, and I am at the official halfway mark of my pregnancy!!  Okay, so I get my baby soon, right!?!?  Oh, another twenty weeks?  Like, the same bazillion days it took me to get here? Crap.  I want my baby NOW!

But since he/she is not ready yet (even though I whisper "hurry up!" to my belly every night), here is how he/she is doing this week.

The baby probably weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now, and has graduated from being measured head to rump, and can now be measured head to toe.  Head to toe, the baby is probably about 10 inches!  Getting so big!

The baby is swallowing a lot more now to practice using the digestive system, so he/she is also beginning to produce meconium.  Fun milestone to celebrate, right? :)

The top of my uterus is now level with my belly button, so my belly button could be popping any time now.  I am actually looking forward to it, as weird as it seems, because my belly button is still such a severe innie that it looks like I am just sporting a belly full of fat and not baby. At this point I would still rather Jeremy admire my belly while it is COVERED, and I know I will be much more comfortable with him admiring a belly with a pregnant lady outie.

In other news, I am SOOOO looking forward to this Friday and our BIG ULTRASOUND!  I have no idea how I will get through this work week. All I am thinking about is seeing my baby and (hopefully) learning the sex!  I know I also have to be prepared for the possibility that the baby will be uncooperative (I mean, it is MY baby, so it might be a little sassy), but I am just dying to see him/her!!  I have only seen the baby at nine weeks, and it just looked like a fuzzy little gummi bear.  Now it will look more like a tiny little baby.  I just can't wait.  

And, in all honesty, if this baby takes after me, he/she will appreciate being on camera and will probably ham it up! :)